Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Turned out OK!

What started out as a pretty ordinary, windy warm day has suddenly become just the most beautiful spring afternoon.  I remember thinking as a teenager how weird it was that old people  loved their gardens so much and got excited if a flower bloomed.  Well congratulations to me.. I am officially old!!! I was just out the back and thought I must get a couple of photos of all of this.  The sun streaming down over verdant green paddocks, flowers just coming into bloom and trees into blossom.  It really is good to be alive and living right here let me tell you.!!!! Thought I'd share all this with you .. I just know you can't wait!!! (typed slightly sarcastically!!)

It followed me home ... can I keep it???

The beginning of our very own herd!!!!
Nothing like coming home and finding the back paddock has 2 new inhabitants!  2 cows from 2 different farms decided to make a run for it and hide in the bottom paddock.  Took a while and a little coercion to get them to leave.  One went fairly quietly off down the road back home, the other decided it was much better to jump through the bottom fence into next doors paddock.  They were a little fascinated by the chooks who seemed to take it all in their stride however.  You know you live in the country when there's a cow on your doorstep!!  Gotta love it!!!!
Cows???!!  who cares!