I've had my lovely friend Sharon over today and we sat by the fire at the kitchen table drinking champers and having lovely freshly made cream of spinach soup, from the garden of yours truly and having a good old chat and a laugh. She's always good company (and I'm not saying that just because she might read this!). I'm very lucky to have good friends, not many mind you. As we said today I wouldn't have to hire a hall for a party, but the friends I've got I know I can rely on and vice-versa.
I've had a bit of a lazy day today so I'll probably force myself to do some ironing, yes I iron.... I know boring... just so I don't get a fit of the guilts, then the only thing left to do is lock up the chooks who are probably all frozen anyway, and get back up by the fire. Himself is stuck away at work at the moment but will be home tomorrow, so looking forward to seeing him. I must admit though I don't mind having the telly to myself or being able to potter around in the house til all hours without disturbing anyone.
Just reading what I've put down and realised that "I've got to get a life!!!". But I'm actually not sure what to do to be honest. I've always been reasonably contented being a domestic goddess and have pretty much gone to work in the past because I had to. I'm not overly creative, or a gourmet cook, hopeless at sewing at knitting, I'm still working on a jumper for himself from 2001! The beannie I'm knitting for the baby won't be ready til she's about 12 so I'm really at a loss as to what to do when I grow up. I do sometimes wonder whether I would be doing something for me or because these days it's all the done thing. It almost seems a bit of a crime to be at home and be reasonably contented. I've never been a career type of person and I envy these women who climb the ladder and seem able to raise a family, sit on numerous boards, are qualified lawyers and manage to do 10 hours of exercise a week and look sensational. Sometimes my biggest challenge is putting my knickers on the right way round!! In my defence I would like to think that I'm a good wife and mother and grandmother AND friend and I guess if that's the best I can do then that's not so bad.
Well on that note I shall finish this little bit of self-indulgence and go do something constructive! Not sure what but will figure it out as I go.