Yes I'm aware that I don't go out to work BUT my days to seem to get rather filled up anyway. I wake up with Himself and the alarm at 5.00am and when he gets out of bed I luxuriate in having the whole space to myself. I love him but somehow his 'side' of the bed starts in the middle and then moves over to my side where I spend 3/4 of the night sleeping on the edge of the bed where my rather sizeable derriere threatens to topple me onto the floor. Now our bedroom is actually the size of a normal walk in wardrobe, it has room only for a very small table next to my side as his side is right next to the door which when slammed open unexpectedly can cause Himself concussion if he's laying too close to it. Anyhoo, next to my little table is literally the sliding door of our cupboards...yes right next to, so if I did fall on the floor, and there have been some close encounters, I could possibly be wedged for hours.
Then after about an hour of me snoring like a Massey Ferguson tractor (apparently) during which time I seem to cram lots of dreaming in I see the boss off to work and start to manoeuvre my body out of bed. I have my early morning calls with daughters, brother, friends and others after which I have brekky, get dressed and start the day. There's the bed to make, and I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to that, then the kitchen to be tidied, the bathrooms cleaned and a general house clean. Then down to the shed to feed the still banished cat and then grab the chook food and into the girls I go.
Now I'm very fond of my girls, they lay beautiful fresh eggs for us every day and don't cause us too much distress, and they're really fun to watch. I often dig the chook yard over for them, so they have plenty of worms and bugs and they gets lots of greens. We had to put a fence around their rather large yard because the foxes were killing them at a rapid rate and it was terrible. We have a lovely old girl who I call 'Mother" and she is one of our original girls which means she would have to be around 11years old now. She has arthritis in one leg and so we limp around the yard together.
I think there's still room to move!! |
I do love it though. |
After seeing to the girls I normally either have washing or gardening to catch up on and the weather dictates which one comes first. If its beautiful and sunny the washing goes on and then out into the garden to check on newly planted vegies, cut back some of the overgrown bushes and just generally tidy up. Because I love that overcluttered, overfilled look, and as people know that's what our house is like, the garden is chockas! I threw some poppy seeds into the rose garden last year and now its crammed and the roses are struggling up through the masses. I've planted lavenders, hollyhocks, wisteria and bouganvillea etc etc. The wisteria hasn't moved in about 5 years and the bouganvillea turned out to be a totally different type but slowly the house is being encompassed by all these different climbers until I s'pose one day we won't even be able to find the door!!! But then again neither will anyone else and as people will tell you, whilst I love the friends I have I'm not overly fond of people these days.
Again I digress ..... we now have a little dog compliments of our eldest daughter. We lost both of our own gorgeous dogs within the last 18 months and weren't going to get another one however, this little staffy was getting a little frustrated and hard to handle so up to Nan and Pa's for attitude readjustment and of course now a permanent home. She's pretty cool though and just follows me around all day and sneaks up onto the couch of a night time but thats ok.
So hence between housework, gardening, chooks, dogs, cooking and all other things my life can appear to be extremely busy with those lovely little breaks in between time when you can just sit back with a coffee and look around and think .. well who's a lucky girl then!!!!