Friday, 31 August 2012

Leave the Rubbish on the Side of the Road

A lesson to be learnt today. My dear lovely slightly older than us neighbours are extremely generous in not only sharing their time, thoughts, and their home grown produce but apparently their hard rubbish pick ups.  I do think however, that after this little incident they may not be quite so helpful or caring.

I was visiting our daughter who only lives in the town nearby when my neighbour came knocking at the door.  In her hand she had an ice cream container with what looked like compost in it.  She was quite excited because they had found some bags of it on the side of the road when they went for their morning walk, and thought maybe a truck had dropped its load  going around the corner.  So she and her husband had collected it all ready to throw around their garden with gay abandon

She was a little curious however, about the brown beads mixed in with the soil and asked me what I thought they were.  She thought maybe they were seeds of some type and they didn't want to use it on their garden in case something grew.!!! I asked her what she had done with them to which she answer, "oh we left one in your driveway in case you wanted it."  Beeuoooouuuutiful!!

I explained that they would have been dumped because people had been growing 'plants' and obviously needed to get rid of the bags quickly. To her puzzled look I told her that they were the remnants of hydroponic marijuana plants and that she now had 3 bags in her possession and apparently we had one!..

When I came home there it was in the middle of the driveway for all to see, including the coppers raiding the house on the next road!  So whilst imagining myself trying to explain to the Police that the bag was a gift from the well meaning pensioners down the road, I dragged it out of site.  when I opened it, sure enough there was the main stalk of what must have been a reasonably healthy plant for all to see.  So I'm not sure how we are going to dispose of it but at least we only have 1 to get rid of whereas Bonnie and Clyde down the road have 3!!! Let this be a lesson to all of you, if it smells like compost and its in a black bag dumped on the side of the road, DON'T PICK IT UP AND GIVE IT TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS!!!!!!